Areawide only Total use of mating disruption - WA
Year acresa acres % of total acreage
1991 - 1,500 0.8%
1995 3,000 18,000 9%
1996 3,000 25,000 15%
1999 20,000 75,000 30-35%
a including acres in WA, OR, and CA
Sources: Gut et al. 1996; Areawide reports, Yakima 1999.
We cannot know what this growth would have been without the
CAMP program, but we can review the benefits and incentives provided by the
program (Table 2) and examine available measures of satisfaction of the growers
who subscribed (below). Also, 1999 estimates of mating disruption adoption in
Hood River, where no CAMP site was established, are at 15%. Now, consider the
fundamental shift required to move from Region A to B in Figure 1. That is,
there is a critical inflection point releasing an increasing population from
slow or “lag” to fast or “exponential” growth. This
shift occurred during the CAMP program, and should be considered as the time
period to target for other areawide IPM programs. This release point in the
growth curve reflects the idea made earlier that available selective or soft
controls were available for widespread deployment. The other main
characteristics of the CAMP program that we should look for in order to extend
the areawide concept to other commodities were listed in Table 2. These can be
generalized as requirements to look for in other candidate systems, with the
additional trait that growers now gain confidence by knowing about the CAMP
example. Another general characteristic that is true in pome fruits is a
non-zero tolerance for pest damage. Crops that have a zero tolerance have almost
no room for a shift to a selective or soft approach, unless, perhaps,
eradication is a feasible option.
Example measures of success of the CAMP
Reductions in codling moth trap catch, use of insecticides,
and codling moth damage, a favorable economic report, and relatively few
significant secondary pest outbreaks all help to measure success of the program
(all documented elsewhere in CAMP). In addition, we can cite a few results from
informal one-page grower surveys that were issued at the end of each season to
the five original CAMP sites (Coop 1999). One question in the survey was
“would you recommend mating disruption to other growers”. Of those
responding , 96% [1995], 97% [1996], and 100% [1997 and 1998] answered
“yes” (N = 222 growers or farm managers).
On a scale of 1 to 5, the satisfaction with various aspects of
the project were scored by growers, with 1=”not at all satisfied”,
2=”not very satisfied”, 3=”somewhat satisfied”,
4=”mostly satisfied”, and 5=”very satisfied”.
Satisfaction regarding codling moth control within the CAMP program averaged 4.7
overall, and increased from an average of 4.3 after 1995 to 4.8 after 1998 (Fig.
2). This can be compared with “satisfaction regarding codling moth control
not under areawide control, which averaged 3.1 overall (Coop 1999).
Figure 2. Overall satisfaction ratings for the areawide
program regarding codling moth control, 1995-1998.
Other positive measures of the CAMP program included the
compatibility of insecticides with mating disruption (avg 4.5), the technical
support provided (avg 4.7), and decision making information provided for the
program (avg 4.6) (Coop 1999). Other items surveyed that were not as highly
ranked were the success of controlling pests other than codling moth (avg 3.5),
the ease of application of mating disruption dispensers (avg 3.8), and cost of
mating disruption (avg 3.1).
Benefits of the Codling Moth Areawide Program to other
We have touched on several benefits of the program to
agriculture in the Pacific Northwest, and we can report on some detail
concerning electronic dissemination of decision making support, as developed by
the Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC) at
First, the CAMP program helped stimulate development of DIR, the Database of IPM
Resouces (Bajwa 1996). This website serves as a complete directory of IPM web
resources available for all crops throughout the world. Currently it contains
over 4,700 records, and is continually updated. For example, searches for the
terms “apple” and “codling moth” result in 134 and 29
links, respectively, to websites on those topics. Next, IPPC developed the
Codling Moth Information Support System (CMISS), a comprehensive summary of all
aspects concerning codling moth research regarding biology and control, with
emphasis on mating disruption and literature knowledgebases (Bajwa 1997).
Finally, there is the “Online weather data and phenology modeling
website” (Coop
At this site, daily temperature and precipitation data are gathered from 102
publicly available weather stations and linked directly to pest phenology models
for codling moth, OBLR, Pandemis, San Jose scale, fireblight, scab, cherry fruit
fly, and 13 other models. Example output from the codling moth model is given in
Fig. 3.

These websites provide decision making support to growers,
field advisors, extension personnel, and researchers, for all areas of pest
management throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
The areawide codling moth program has demonstrated success by
several criteria: grower satisfaction, an accelerating rate of adoption of
mating disruption, and a fundamental shift from “hard” chemical
programs towards “soft” IPM. Some problems remain concerning mating
disruption costs and ease of dispensor applications, local problems with
secondary pests, and the need for greater sampling efforts to track pest
activities. Codling moth areawide IPM is serving as a successful model of a
large scale, regional cooperative IPM program, which should help promote the
areawide IPM concept to other cropping systems. However, adoption of codling
moth mating disruption is not complete - after 5 years the stated goal of 80%
reduction in insecticides (Kogan 1994) has not yet been reached. A number of
open questions are relevant to development of further areawide IPM
- Are producers open to the level of cooperation that is
needed for successful implementation of areawide IPM?
- Should government agencies regulate or otherwise help
enforce adoption of areawide IPM?
- After 5 years we have only four major areawide IPM programs:
will resource limitations remain a fundamental constraint to implementing more
- What criteria should be used to identify target systems for
future areawide IPM programs?
In regard to the latter question, a good starting place would
be to review characteristics of the situation in pome fruits. Candidates for
areawide IPM tend to be high-value crops with a low number of key pests. Control
of the key pests should be possible with soft management methods, especially
when efficacy increases with the scale of implementation. As the key pest is
suppressed, natural control of secondary pests can become the standard, albeit
with an increased need for monitoring, decision, and soft management tools to
manage occasional outbreaks.
In addition there should be a commodity group, with sufficient
organization and support to sponsor a regional effort. There should be
compelling reasons for growers to adopt the new technologies, caused by a change
in tactics available (such as removal of products from the market), their
failure (such as chemical control failures due to resistance development), or by
incentives provided to adopt the new technologies (such as through subsidies).
It is important that there exists a core of innovative growers ready to adopt
the new technologies. There may be market incentives to reward early
Finally, with a shift from traditional chemical pest control
to “soft” programs, what the neighbors do affects us much more
directly. Soft and selective programs depend on biological control to suppress
secondary pests, which requires a healthy degree of uncontaminated habitat and
perhaps, stewardship of alternative foods and host plants for natural enemies.
Therefore, with successful IPM, over the next 10-20 years, the concept of
landscape management will become a fundamental issue in crop
References Cited
Bajwa, W. 1996. Database of IPM Resources (DIR): an
interactive information retrieval and referral system for internet IPM
information. Integrated Plant Protection Center website. Oregon State University
website at
Bajwa, W. 1997. Codling Moth Information Support System
(CMISS): A composite of knowledge-bases,and informational and bibliographic
databases on different aspects of codling moth taxonomy, biology, ecology,
modeling and management. Integrated Plant Protection Center website. Oregon
State University website at
Coop, L. B. 1998. Online IPM weather data and degree-days for
pest management decision making in the Pacific Northwest. Integrated Plant
Protection Center website. Oregon State University website at
Gut,L. J., J. G. Brunner and A. Knight. 1996. Implementation
of Pheromone-based Pest Management Programs in Washington. Washington State
University website at
Knipling, E. F. 1979. The basic principles of insect
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Metcalf, R. L., and W. H. Luckmann. 1994. Introduction to
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