GRASSLinks 3.2beta: Public Access GIS

GRASSLinks is a World Wide Web interface to a geographic information
system (GIS), offering public access to mapped information. GRASSLinks
provides GIS display and analysis tools to facilitate data sharing and
cooperation between environmental planning agencies, public action
groups, citizens, and private entities. The OSU IPPC version of this
page is index.html which includes all OSU IPPC project
datasets, which can serve as additional examples of GRASSLinks capabilities.
Review the GIS data layers
that can be viewed and analyzed in GRASSLINKS.
Select any of the IPPC geodatabases listed below to begin GRASSLinks:
Left side - full selection of available maplayers and options
Right side - shortcut with mostly preselected options
| GRASS Global dataset
(a small default global dataset for getting familiar with GRASS)
| GRASS Spearfish dataset
(a default dataset for getting familiar with GRASS)

GRASSLinks was originally developed by
Dr. Susan Huse
at the Research Program in Environmental Planning and GIS
(REGIS), at the University of California, Berkeley.
GRASSLinks is based on the Open Source GIS
GRASS, orig. from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Disclaimer: Use of GRASSLinks and the data accessed by it is
provided as-is without any guarantees of quality, completeness, currentness,
or performance. For more information, see the
GRASSLinks (c) Copyright and Disclaimer.
Further Information About GRASSLinks
Visit REGIS at the University of California, Berkeley
Also visit GRASSLINKS at Osaka Univ.
Send us your comments or suggestions about GRASSLinks