NW Rubus Regions weather data
Online current and historical weather data/degree-days:
NW Rubus Regions Current Data

Listed locations also available from these complete data tables: Oregon, Washington, BC, AB & SK Canada
Daily and Interactive Degree-Day Maps
NW Rubus Regions base 41 degree-days to date
Also be sure to try the full-featured calculator/DD model
To calculate Degree-Days: Enter thresholds, calc. method, location (click radio button next to location/year in the table), optional forecast location, and click the "Calc" button.
Thresholds: lower: °F   upper: °F   Calc. method:
Forecast zipcode or city, state:
Station - Location (click on placename for recent data) 30 yr averages
DDs 1-1to3-4
41 thresh.
calc 2011 data
DDs 1-1to3-4
41 thresh.
calc 2010 data
DDs 1-1to3-4
41 thresh.
calc 2009 data
DDs 1-1to3-4
41 thresh.
calc 2008 data
DDs 1-1to3-4
41 thresh.

[IPM Weather/Degree-Days Home] [Intro] [US DD Mapmaker] [DD Models and Calculator] [Links]
Integrated Plant Protection Center at OSU Extension Service at Oregon State University National Plant Diagnostics Network Western
Region Pest Management Center

All data provided "as is" and users assume all risk in its use - see full disclaimer. All NWS/NOAA derived data is not subject to copyright protection.
This site hosted by Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University and the IPM Centers - PNW Coalition, and the USDA National Plant Diagnostics Network.
On-line since April 5, 1996
Last updated Feb. 21, 2011
Contact Len Coop at coopl@science.oregonstate.edu if you have any questions about this information.