MyPest Page - IPM Pest and Plant Disease Models and Forecasting |
for Agricultural, Pest Management, and Plant Biosecurity Decision Support in the US
This website brings together US weather data and plant pest and disease models to serve many decision support needs in agriculture. Currently this site provides over 73 degree-day and 18 hourly weather-driven models serving many IPM, regulatory, and plant biosecurity uses for the full USA, and specializes in IPM needs for the Pacific Northwest.
Weather data and forecasts are currently linked to the models for over 15,000+ US and nearby weather locations. Forecast sources include NWS Digital forecasts in all states, Fox Weather LLC forecasts in OR, WA, ID, W. MT, and CA, and NWS Zone forecasts for all US regions (max-min forecasts).
Funding has been provided by numerous USDA NIFA grants, USDA RMA ipmPIPE grants, NPDN grants, WR-IPM Center and Oregon Statewide IPM funds, and local and regional commodity grants.
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Additional Resources: Try the main homepage - use with most web browsers
What's new
Online tutorials
Degree-day usage instructions
Technical documents - how to customize settings for: webpage bookmarks
and pest model charts and tables for mashups - 4/22/2011
Frequently asked questions
Related web sites
Full station list
09/06 Grower network support - slideshow
06/08 IPM Tools in Real Time
Quick Start:
First time user? Select one or more
and enter a Zipcode
to initialize defaults for your MyPest Page
of plant disease risk
and degree-day
models. Then click the "Go" button.
Map Index:
to plant disease risk
and degree-day models
Index of online tutorials
Table index of US states and networks linked to models
Selected agricultural weather network tables and home pages:
Hood River,
The Dalles,
Milton- Freewater,
NW Rubus,
Pudding & Yamhill Basin IPM
Washington: AgWeatherNet,
Idaho: AgriMet
California: CIMIS,
Table of all 73 degree-day models
Plant disease model shortcuts:
Grass seed stem rust, Swiss needle cast
Disease alert maps: 
Tomcast DSV: current, 2010 index
Soybean rust: current, 2010 index
Fireblight: current US,
current w/2-day forecast - PNW,
Tomato-potato late blight:
current, movies:
NEast 2010,
NEast 2009,
NY 2010,
NY 2009
PNW interface to online phenology models and degree-day calculator
All data are provided "as is" and users assume all risk in their use - see full disclaimer.
See also OSU Disclaimer.
All NWS derived data is not subject to copyright protection. This site hosted by the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University with support from the USDA National Plant Diagnostic Network, The OSU Agricultural Experiment Station, various USDA CSREES/NIFA grants, USDA RMA, and USDA IPM Centers - Western Region.
Climate map data provided by OSU PRISM Group, real-time public weather data provided by U. Utah Mesowest and other networks including WSU AgWeatherNET, AGRIMET, CPS Adcon Networks, IFPNet Automata, California CIMIS, California PestCast, and others.
This page on-line since April 5, 1996; last update Sep. 28, 2011. Contact Len Coop, OSU IPPC and Botany & Plant Pathology Dept. at coopl@science.oregonstate.edu or 541-737-5523 if you have any questions about this information.